Monday, June 25, 2012

Airship Turret: Spear Launcher

I made this to go onto the airship that I'm making. It is a large turret that launches spears. The total length is about twice that of a normal model. It is made using the stock from a crossbow, a missile launcher from a helicopter (which I cut in half so there are two launchers instead of four), two spear tips cut from some high elf spearmen, and a small bit of skewer and plank of wood for the base.

Airship In-Progress

Over the past week I have been building an Airship to use with 28mm figures. I'm building it out of skewers, small planks of wood from a craft store, and tacky glue. To cut the pieces I am using a small cutting pliers. it actually works fairly well without splintering the wood or anything. People say you should start out with a picture of the completed project but since its not done yet I'll just post the most recent shot.

My first few ideas on how to start building it failed horribly, but then I came up with an idea that would actually work. I started out by making the flooring for the airship using the wood planks and gluing them in sections. This way I could lay out the design of the ship before I worried about how to frame it or anything.

I constructed the deck pieces by holding the larger pieces together using tape then gluing the cross pieces.

I also built a stairway by cutting the step pattern in some thin wood boards and gluing the planks on top. Once I had my layout the next step was to start building the frame and attach it to the bottom of the deck plates. I should also mention that I never actually measured anything. It was (and still is) all either eyeballed or measured by comparing it to another piece and trimming it to match the same length. Doing it like this makes it crooked and uneven in spots but that's ok for this ship because the idea is that it was slapped together using old parts and scraps.

Next thing I did was to put on the lower deck and the stairway. Then I glued planks to the sides and front along with several bits of wood to make it look like it had been repaired often.

The sides will be left open for characters to shoot out of or load supplies and cargo.

I haven't finished with the ship portion yet by any means (I am still adding bits here and there and I have a lot more to do), but now I have started working on building the frame for the blimp. After its completed I will cover it using some old tablecloth I pulled from a garage.

That's it for now. I'll be posting more as I continue.

Old Work is Old

Hey. This is going to be a place for me to share the miniatures that I make (mostly modding and painting). I figured to start off I'd post a gallery of some of my favorite miniatures I have made so far.

This one I added leaves to the tree to make it look more natural

This used to be a goblin spear-man but I removed the spear and added a mug of ale (which i made out of a space marine's arm).

This is so far my favorite miniature I have made. A Cygnaran Grenadier Warjack from Warmachine.

This guy I modded from a space marine by removing his gun and replacing it with a mace, then I painted him green to look like an orc (or half-orc).

Here are a couple of random scenery bits: